Posts in Womens Health
The Myth Around Painful Periods

An unspoken myth that I find myself constantly busting for my female patients is that periods are meant to be painful. This is not so, ladies! I’ve worked with many women who have basically trained themselves to endure such severe pain that it completely disrupts their lives, leaving them to miss work or other important obligations while staying home curled up in a ball for hours or even days. Periods often get a bad rap because of this; I’m here to tell you that your periods can and should be far less eventful AND definitely allow you to carry on with life without interruption.

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Understanding Vitality

Have you ever felt tired for long periods of time even after a nights sleep? Have you felt tension in your back or shoulders regularly? In times of huge pressure, uncertain situations and where sustained effort is required, our vitality is crucial. It's easy to get into a downward spiral and end up with adrenal fatigue, making mistakes and crashing out exhausted. Would you like to feel more energised and refreshed and feeling more alive every day as well as more resilient and able to cope with change?

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Can Acupuncture Treat Insomnia?

Many patients ask me if acupuncture can help treat insomnia. The answer is an emphatic yes! Insomnia is typically characterised as an inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, or waking up groggy in the morning.

I’m sure everyone has experienced this from time to time. Is there anything more frustrating than lying in bed staring at the ceiling knowing you should be asleep?

While insomnia can be temporary due to changes in schedule or new stresses in your life, hopefully it is not a persistent issue for you. Today I want to talk about chronic insomnia. Chronic insomnia isn’t just frustrating; it can have a major impact on your quality of life and your health. Sleep may seem to be a period of rest for us, but for our body and brain it is a period of activity during which our bodies restore and rejuvenate.

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Case Study - Relief for long-term Migraine Sufferer

If you’re a chronic sufferer, acupuncture for migraines can provide an excellent alternative to complement your medical treatments. Acupuncture is a well-known component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). TCM has been practiced for thousands of years and includes the use of herbal medicines and mind-body practices.

Yin Studio offers acupuncture for migraines to help patients find their own balance between lifestyle adjustments, medical therapies and alternative treatments. If you have been struggling with migraines and headaches, acupuncture may provide an excellent supplement to the existing medical therapies you have tried.

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