Posts tagged Period Pain
The Myth Around Painful Periods

An unspoken myth that I find myself constantly busting for my female patients is that periods are meant to be painful. This is not so, ladies! I’ve worked with many women who have basically trained themselves to endure such severe pain that it completely disrupts their lives, leaving them to miss work or other important obligations while staying home curled up in a ball for hours or even days. Periods often get a bad rap because of this; I’m here to tell you that your periods can and should be far less eventful AND definitely allow you to carry on with life without interruption.

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How Do You Know If Your Period is 'Normal'?

Mention to a friend that your unbearable period pain and it’s not unusual to be met with a response like ‘me too’ or ‘I have some painkillers if you need them’.

If you were experiencing multiple days of pain in any other part of your body - your abdomen, your leg or head - you would be promptly seeking help to get to the bottom of it.

Period pain, on the other hand, tends to be brushed aside with a dose of over-the-counter pain medication, a hot water bottle or a prescription for an oral contraceptive pill.

While acupuncture may not be for everyone, it is an often-unexplored pathway to a healthier menstrual cycle and body. It is important to be educated about alternative options to conventional medical approaches to women’s health.

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Endometriosis Demystified ...

The most common go-to treatments are contraceptives (which are a band-aid at best) or a laparoscopy. This can create additional scar tissue and ultimately add to the issue. Did you know that studies show that acupuncture and herbs combined help to reduce the pain and inflammation of endometriosis, as well as regulate the menstrual cycle and improve anxiety and tension.

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