Endometriosis Demystified ...

Endometrial lining grows every single month and then it sheds. Just like the ebb and flow of the ocean - high tide and low tide every single month. No one knows for sure how endometrial tissue ends up in the peritoneal cavity (the inside cavity where the uterus, ovaries, bladder, large intestine are). The tissue will attach to other organs. The fluid throughout the body allows endometrial tissue to move around very easily. It is when it attaches that it causes a woman's period to so painful and sometimes painful at other times throughout the month. Other symptoms can be heavy flow. When endometrial tissue attaches itself to the ovary it can also impede fertility.

If you can imagine a plant - you plant the seed in the ground. It takes a while for the plant to grow and the leaves to come out. The flower will come out in time at the end of the branch. This can take many months to develop. With endometriosis, the lesions inside the peritoneal cavity are like the flowers on the that plant - there's a long trajectory that has been happening that has led to the visible seeding of the endometrial cavity with these lesions.

Are You Born With It??

Some people say that some women are born with it because not all of the uterine lining and endometrial cells were captured within the uterus during development. Another theory is that during menstruation, the uterus has a mild contraction to expel the lining and some of the lining may actually come back out the ends of the fallopian tubes. This is called retrograde menstruation. In a normal environment, the body should clean up these lesions and extra endometrial tissue.

However in cases where there is persistent systemic inflammation, where the body is undergoing other types of inflammatory processes in other areas of the body, the body overreacts to the presence of the out of place endometrial tissue and this creates more inflammation.

One of the primary causes of inflammation in the body is diet. A standard western diet is often high in sugar and carbs which through a chemical reaction, promotes inflammation. The problem isn't the sugar - it is the body's response to the sugar, the chemical reaction that happens when we put it in our body and the secretion of our hormones and the things that we need to process the sugar that leads to the inflammatory state of the body. Another factor is poor bowel function.

What is the Common Denominator?

A very common denominator in the patients I have seen with endometriosis is that they do not have a very healthy gut and display IBS symptoms. Very specific supplements will help the body break down the endometrial tissue and dietary therapies will assist the body with its own natural healing process. My focus is on diet, sleep and other lifestyle factors that can be potent contributors to the immune system and the inflammatory process. The metabolic system and hormones are tied in with other conditions that can lead to endometriosis.

Problems with these things may indicate that something might need to be adjusted, that something might be overstimulated or there might need to be a hormonal adjustment. The bowel and gut can lead to endometriosis because one of the most important clearance pathways for excess oestrogen to leave the body is through the bowel. If someone is having a lot of constipation and is having endometriosis, the first thing is to clear the bowel. Oestrogen will build up and the way that your body reacts to excess oestrogen could lead to long-term harmful effects. Then the body is trying to clear oestrogen as part of it's natural cycle, the oestrogen level is staying at a reasonably high level - there are other clearance pathways for backup drains, however as the oestrogen is waning it starts to get stuck and is not going down as quickly as it is supposed to, the endometrial tissue that is supposed to die off because it's not getting the stimulation of the oestrogen, will stay around even when it is not supposed to. All of the blood supply that comes from the bowel and the small intestine comes from the Liver. The liver can filter the blood of harmful substances and helps to clear and break down hormones that it no longer needs. The body can't clear all of the excess oestrogen through the liver but it can help to deactivate the oestrogen that it doesn't want to use any more. All of the blood flow from the gut flows through the Liver. When we eat food, the body sends all the blood through the liver to be cleaned up of any toxins or poisons. If a toxin or bacteria comes through the digestion into the liver, the liver will start to cause diarrhoea. When the bowel is not being cleared, a lot of abnormal debris is leaking back into the liver and all of the oestrogen that is in the bowel that is supposed to be going out can leak back in too. This stuff will overwhelm the liver and then the back up drain will start to fail.

These then become chronic cases of endometriosis. Other factors can be the metabolism and blood sugar pathways and deal more with the liver and the endocrine balance of the body, the thyroid etc.

How Do Yin Studio Treatments Work?

Acupuncture is used to assist the body to flush out the excess endometrial tissue and to help to reduce the inflammation and pain in the local area. The acupuncture triggers the body to release endorphins (natural painkillers) and the patient enters a deep, regenerative state. The deep relaxation response triggers the body's medicinal secretions into its own blood stream and it is very powerful medicine indeed. Targeted nutritional supplements, herbal therapies, acupuncture, exercises and lifestyle advice are utilised within an organised and effective treatment plan.

Lastly, treatments focus on stress management to help to empower the patient to manage the state of the body. Stress and thoughts are very powerful triggers for the release of hormones. For eg. if you go to a scary movie, you release lots of adrenaline, you start breathing fast, jumping etc. This is a hormonal event and these happen every day when we think and feel a certain way. Months, years and even decades of this can lead to large problems that you have been slowly but surely building up to. Studies have shown that stress has very negative effects on the progression of endometriosis, most likely through an effect on the immune system.

To date, the medical system has relied on laparoscopies to both diagnose and treat Endometriosis. Now in the US, doctors are starting to steer away from these as there is significant evidence that it is leading to more scar tissue and therefore ultimately causing more pain.

Natural medicine is not “slow”, nor is it “weak”. Given the right treatment strategy, natural medicine can produce dramatic results in a relatively short amount of time, often correcting imbalances that elude drugs and surgery. 3 Your commitment is essential You can guarantee that I am 100% invested in helping you feel better. However it is not enough for me to bring my A Game - YOU must also come into the program ready and willing to commit time, effort and financial resources to finally getting on top of this problem. It is imperative that you stick with the program. Treatments are scheduled at close intervals initially to gain maximum momentum.

The focus is on how you FEEL. Results are measured on how you feel. While everyone else is looking at pieces of paper with numbers, and not listening to you – here at Yin Studio, the focus is on YOU, your story, and how you feel. Are you feeling more hormonally balanced? Are you feeling more energy? Are you thinking more clearly? Are you starting to lose those unwanted kilos? Does your skin look healthy and vibrant? My approach ALWAYS includes stress reduction as stress is a key component in endometriosis and other hormone-driven issues. You will be taught very simple ways to enhance sleep and relaxation.

Free 15 Minute Consultation
Why not book in for a Free 15 minute mini-consultation - Come in and spend some time talking about your health.  Whether you decide to work with me or not, you will leave the session knowing that there are concrete things you can do to feel better on your own.

Cathy Bell,

Doctor of Chinese Medicine,

Registered Acupuncturist AHPRA

Yin Studio:

Founded in 2006 by Cathy Bell, Yin Studio has become a sought-after health and wellness clinic, known for its warm, inviting atmosphere and sincere, compassionate care for its patients.

Cathy Bell provides results-oriented, natural wellness care for people of all ages. Her goal with each patient is a long-term, self-sustained shift in core factors that determine health and wellness. These core factors bridge all levels of being — physical, psychological, even spiritual.

My mission is simple: To support YOUR health and goals, and help you make the most of them. Whether you want to complement your conventional medical treatments with natural support, or go with a 100% natural solution, I do my best to help you achieve the best outcome possible. Treatments are based on getting results as quickly and efficiently as possible. Results matter, and I am proud of a proven history of positive outcomes.

Your body’s natural healing intelligence never forgets how to restore balance and vitality to every cell, tissue, and organ. All you have to do is give it the right support. At Yin Studio you are an active participant in the healing process. You will be educated on the proper way to get your healing system back on track via a targeted, customised treatment plan that will include one or more of the following: acupuncture, nutrition, herbs, lifestyle/mind-body coaching.