Posts tagged anxiety
The Art of Forest Bathing

What do you love about nature? Do you relish the whistling of the wind through the leaves, seeing the dappled sunlight shining through the branches, watching the line of ants silently march along your path, or feeling clean, fresh air in your lungs?

There’s a reason we love being in nature. It fills our cup, rejuvenates our spirit, lowers our stress-levels and restores our mood. And now the science backs this up.

Japanese forest bathing – a wellbeing revolution

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Stress reduction and Anxiety

Feeling at the end of your rope? Ready to run away and join the circus? Some time on a comfortable, warm table can reflect back to you your brilliance and slip you into a quiet that is so nourishing and vast you cannot help but experience appreciation and wonder.

Acupuncture loosens the emotional knots you’ve tied, pulls forth your innate vitality with the effortlessness of a child’s smile, and connects you with your own deepest resources of presence and internal strength.

Need a change of perspective? Call for an appointment with needles and quietude.

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How a Gratitude Practice Can Alleviate Anxiety

Gratitude is the ability to pay attention to what you have and not to worry about what you don’t have. Too many people live by the if and then model – if I buy this then I will feel happy, if I lose weight, then I’ll be happy. We live by the negativity bias – in Australia we are 7 times more likely to notice a negative than a positive. When you take time to appreciate the simple things in each day, you’re also able to be happier with the simple things each day. Studies show that when we take time to look for and cogitate on the good things that happen every day, after one month our brains start scanning the world for positives rather than negatives. This is turn develops into more positive emotions, improvements in health, a better ability to deal with adversity and stronger relationships.

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The Concept of Shen (or Spirit) in Chinese Medicine?

“Mind, Body, and Spirit.”

We hear this saying all the time, but what does it really mean?

Most people use this phrase to describe the three parts of human health that shape and balance the whole. Mind is pretty clear; and so is body; but what exactly do we mean when we include spirit as a part of the trifecta of human health?

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Could What You're Eating Affect Your Sleep?

Data shows that eating less fibre, more saturated fat and more sugar throughout the day is linked with lighter, less restorative sleep. In one study, researchers tracked diet and sleep for a group of healthy adults over the course of five nights and found that indeed, food choices during the day did affect sleep. So what can you do to sleep more soundly?

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