How to Be More Resilient to Stress

Global pandemics & lockdowns are quite a lot to deal with, let alone with any other stressors in your world!

Does your body start to fall apart during times of high stress - you don’t sleep well, get sick, have later or more painful periods, headaches, digestive problems? What can you do to prevent your body falling apart?

The Basics
Ok lets start with the somewhat boring but important ones.

Even in chaotic times you can still:

  1. Drink 2+l water. (You actually need 33mls per kg of body weight + more for exercise - I'll let you do the math!)
    Water is life, literally. If nothing else, keeping hydrated even with herbal teas in winter or warm water will decrease inflammation, improve concentration, reduce headaches and keep your muscles nice and soft.

  2. Get 7+h of sleep. Below 7h affects all of your hormonal and nervous system including hunger hormones & fertility hormones. It puts your body into 'fight or flight mode' (which its already dealing with most of the time!)

    Increased cortisol stress hormones decreases pelvic blood flow. This affects those hormones & studies have shown that getting insufficient sleep increases your hunger hormones whilst decreases your full hormones leading to more weight gain.
    Please sleep more 🙏


Of course, eat as well as you can. Of course have lots of veggies & protein.

AAND here's some extra nutrients for when your body needs some extra help.

Stress depletes lots of nutritional stores, increases demand for more nutrients & can affect your guts absorptions of vitamins & minerals in times of stress - leading to a triple whammy of feeling crappy.

  • A good multi is always recommended for everyday life. Its especially needed in times of high stress or not so healthy eating. Stress chews up your B vitamins like nobody's business!

  • Have extra zinc, especially if you're someone who gets colds if you're run down. Zinc is needed for DNA replication so in addition to making all the cells you need, helping mature beautiful eggs & sperm - your body also needs it to build your immune system!

  • Have extra vitamin C. Definitely have at least 2 pieces of fruit a day! + lots of veg and you'll cover this but add extra vitamin C to help your immune system if you’re feeling run down.

  • Have magnesium! Tight neck/shoulders/headaches & constantly want chocolate?? All signs of magnesium deficiency!

    Magnesium is a muscle relaxant that gets chewed up with high stress (and high% cocoa chocolate has magnesium in it - as does leafy green veggies!)

    A good quality powdered magnesium is a good supplement to add to your daily program.

Acupuncture for sleep & stress

Yep theres some good research backing this up!

  • This 2018 Systematic Review found “Overall, there is good scientific evidence encouraging Acupuncture therapy to treat anxiety disorders as it yields effective outcomes, with fewer side effects than conventional treatment. More research in this area is however needed.”

  • This 2013 review found there’s emerging evidence to suggest the way Acupuncture works is to alleviate the ‘fight or flight’ response and restore balance within the brain and in the body.

  • This 2016 Systematic Review found Acupuncture may be effective for insomnia. “Acupuncture compared to sham/placebo and pharmacotherapy showed statistically significant results”

How To Get Started

Free 15 Minute Consultation
Why Not Book In For A Free 15 Minute Mini-Consultation - Come In And Spend Some Time Talking About Your Health.  Whether You Decide To Work With Me Or Not, You Will Leave The Session Knowing That There Are Concrete Things You Can Do To Feel Better And More In Control.

Initial Treatment and Consultation
If you are keen to get started right away, you can book online for a consultation and treatment. An ongoing treatment program may include Chinese herbs, supplements, dietary and lifestyle recommendations.

Cathy Bell,

Doctor of Chinese Medicine,

Registered Acupuncturist AHPRA

Yin Studio:

Founded in 2006 by Cathy Bell, Yin Studio has become a sought-after health and wellness clinic, known for its warm, inviting atmosphere and sincere, compassionate care for its patients.

Cathy Bell provides results-oriented, natural wellness care for people of all ages. Her goal with each patient is a long-term, self-sustained shift in core factors that determine health and wellness. These core factors bridge all levels of being — physical, psychological, even spiritual.

My mission is simple: To support YOUR health and goals, and help you make the most of them. Whether you want to complement your conventional medical treatments with natural support, or go with a 100% natural solution, I do my best to help you achieve the best outcome possible. Treatments are based on getting results as quickly and efficiently as possible. Results matter, and I am proud of a proven history of positive outcomes.

Your body’s natural healing intelligence never forgets how to restore balance and vitality to every cell, tissue, and organ. All you have to do is give it the right support. At Yin Studio you are an active participant in the healing process. You will be educated on the proper way to get your healing system back on track via a targeted, customised treatment plan that will include one or more of the following: acupuncture, nutrition, herbs, lifestyle/mind-body coaching.