Yin Studio

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Creating the Space for a Baby


Time and space are two built-in limiting factors of life.  We only have so much of either and you either have an abundance mentality or a scarcity mentality.

Most people have a scarcity mentality.  They are continually in a rush - every little second counts. They’re so busy taking care of ‘obligations’ they are completely overwhelmed almost all of the time.

Time and space scarcity leads to a dramatic loss of power.  You put your power in everything else – your job, your status, your social engagements, your perceived obligations.  I call this living life outside-in.  It’s where all your happiness is sought in the outer world of status, social interactions, and achievement.

Anyone who lives this way for long enough inevitably finds that, one day, there’s nothing left on the inside.  No energy, no focus, no power.  Nothing.

It’s a very unpleasant place to be.


The opposite of course is to experience an abundance of time and space.  There is no limit to your time, no limit to the amount of space you can claim.

Of course, it is inner space and inner time.   This is your ability to slow down and to create healthy boundaries for yourself.

The first step in this is simply to realise that by slowing down, you are creating more time. It’s completely counterintuitive but it’s true.

When you stop rushing around and you move through life without haste EVERYTHING slows down – your nervous system, your circulation, your brain waves, your heart beat.  And this slowing down process not only dramatically enhances and amplifies the natural function of these critical body systems, it also leads to a more abundant, gentler, more soothing sense of time.

While there are biological limits we must accept – the clock is ticking – and nature cannot be bought or bargained with.  However responding to this time crunch by rushing and hurrying is worst thing we can do both from an emotional and biological perspective.  It only creates the reverse of what we intend by scattering and depleting the very resources we need most.

Nature is inherently slow.    Nature is slow and the faster you are going and more frantic you are, the more you are out of alignment with nature. Instead of ‘hurry up and wait’, embrace ‘slow down and create’.

By taking calm, measured actions, you will be allowing nature to catch up to you instead of swimming ahead of the current. 


Now is the time to start creating space – space between thoughts and feelings, space between activities and obligations.  Space for you to just BE.  When working long hours, studying, living busy social lives – where is the space for a baby in there?

Allow yourself to become immersed in loving yourself, caring for yourself, to set the stage for whatever is to come.

Here some recommendations for you to create some space in your life.

  • Daily deep breathing practice

  • Before you go to bed each night, do a mental list of five things that you are grateful for

  • Drink at least 3 litres of water every day

  • Get as much rest and sleep as you can

  • Nurture yourself by eating healthy foods that you enjoy

  • Prioritise your workload, delegate and say learn to say no.

  • Switch your phone off

  • Schedule in some time to breathe, make a cup of tea and stretch between activities and meetings at work

  • Say no to that friend who is always negative and leaves you feeling drained

  • Don’t overbook yourself at the weekends

  • Schedule in time to do nothing, stay in your pyjamas and spend time with your man

Just surrender to the moment. Be present. Let go of the outcome and focus on the day-to-day things that give you strength.

Taking small steps to stay ahead of your energy and stress levels throughout the day by creating space makes a huge difference to how you feel at the end of the day AND it improves your fertility.

What could you say no to, that would create space for your future baby?