Posts in Pregnancy
The Importance of a Pregnant Pause...

Pregnancy is considered to be a time of joy and fulfilment. However, all the stressors of everyday life do not come to a standstill during this time. In addition, some other pregnancy-specific factors get added including physiological changes in pregnancy, common pregnancy ailments, concerns regarding safe pregnancy and labour, and the worries related to parenting and wellbeing of the child.

Relaxation is a necessary skill to allow you to cope with the changes and stresses during pregnancy and to ensure an easy pregnancy and labour.

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Turning a Breech Baby

So, you are 7.5 months pregnant. At this stage, the expectation is that the baby will have made its way into position, head-down bum up by now. I mean that’s all they had to do to keep up their end of the deal.

There’s always going to be a few babies out there that didn’t get the memo. Perhaps they are just super comfy where they are or there is some reason why they can’t. If you find out that you are one of the lucky mums with a baby that wants to hang out feet first don’t panic.

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